Customer Satisfaction Survey
“The mission of the Selkirk Fire District is to Preserve Life, Property and the Environment through Dedication, Preparedness and Quality Customer Service” The Selkirk Fire District wants to provide the public with the best service possible. We want your opinion as to the quality of services provided. Please help us improve our performance by answering the following questions below. The survey can be returned by mail. Thank you for your helpful reply as we endeavor to continually improve emergency service in our community.
Dale Hopkins
Interim Fire Chief
Survey of Fire Dept. Services
Please provide the following information based on your experience with the fire department so that we can monitor and improve services to the community. You do not need to provide you name and contact information unless you want us to contact you.
We have a rating system of 0-5
(5) Strongly Agree | (4) Slightly Agree | (3) Agree | (2) Slightly Disagree | (1) Strongly Disagree | (0) No Opinion